
Monday, July 15, 2013

May Sickness (Chapter 41)

Chapter 41

It was a whole nine days after his battle with Roy that Michaels falling body hit the ground. A journey from the world of man, through Hell to a plain that radiated an aura of evil.
Michael lay in the dark, with only enough light to discern the outlines of the surroundings. They were simple, large boulders, rocks, and a mountain in the distances, but absent of greens.
Michael looked around as he started to stand.

May Sickness (Chapter 40)

Chapter 40
Samantha walked through the door to her house.
Mom is that you?” Came a girl’s voice.
Yes Carry.”
A teenage girl ran to Samantha and hugged her.
How was it? Did you get hurt?”
No.” She looked into her daughter's eyes, they where greyed, blind, with a line cutting through the centre of her face, through the eyes. “How was school?”
It was good, hard though.”

Oh, just keep trying.”
The phone rang.
Samantha walked to it and answered it.
Hello?” She asked.
Samantha?” A male voice answered.
Mr. Ferdinand, how are you?”
I’m good, I’m calling to see how you are.”
I’m good, why?”
You just got back from taking care of the kid that killed Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel.”
Yes, he was something else.”
Well we are going to need you to write a report on what happened. Everything that happened today should not have happened. Find the reason behind it.”


May Sickness (Chapter 39)

Chapter 39
The boy had been dead for several minutes, but Roy's hands were still tightly around his throat. Roy's eyes were transfixed on Kevin's purple face, slowly being wet by falling tears.
Regret crept in from a far corner of his mind, to engulfing it entirely. This is it?He thought. This is it?! It can’t be over! I want you to suffer!“This isn’t over! God damn it!” Roy yelled he started to shake Kevin's limp body. “Come back! Come back so I can kill you again!” He started to punch Kevin’s face, slowly breaking the bones of his skull.
I think he’s dead.” Came the soft voice of a woman. Her voice, alone, calmed Roy, he stopped his pointless onslaught.

Roy looked back, and behind him was Samantha. From where he was setting, the angle, she looked young, beautiful. Unlike the others, who wore formal wear, her clothes where passed casual and on the border of relaxation and night wear. A long sweater, a pair of yoga pants and a pair of slip on shoes. Her long red hair fell to her mid back, and her big blue eyes sparkled in the sun light.
They looked into each other’s eyes.
So you’re the kid that’s causing all the trouble? That guy is not one of us, who is he?” Her voice was calm and collected.
He’s the one that started all this.” Roy looked at the ground as he spoke.
Are you glad you’ve killed him?” She asked.
Yes. I only wish I could do it again, he did terrible things, and deserved a harsher punishment than death.” Roy's words were cold, voicing his anger.
I see. Was your drive to kill him the reason you were able to kill two of the strongest humans in the world?” Samantha asked.
I don’t care if it was.” He looked back at Kevin’s body, but then felt a hand on his shoulder. “Are you going to kill me? If so I will not fight a woman, and at this point I won’t fight back even if it was a man.”
Stand up, please.”
Roy did as she asked; he got to his feet and stood in front of her, getting a better look at her. She was definitely older than he had originally thought, she was in her forties, but her age did not infringe on her beauty but pay it complements, with lines defining a beautiful mature face.
Your soul is pure, it is not up to me to judge you though, and I am to stay unbiased.” She took a deep breath, and continued. “In my life I have killed countless innocent and guilty people, and there has always been regret accompanied by it.”
Roy stopped her, “Why are you telling me this? What meaning does it have?” He asked, sounding rude.
It holds all the meaning it has to, it will help you answer a question I will soon ask you, okay?”
Okay, go ahead.”
It’s a cruel joke, the after life that is. Whether you believe in it or not, it still exist, but the only time you can see it is when you are damned to suffering. You can go about your life not believing in it, but when you do die, you get peace and rest, Heaven. The same goes for if you believe, except you never knew if it exist, but you pray to go to Heaven.” She saw Roy was getting agitated, “Don’t worry this is going somewhere. There is only one way to be certain in your life to know whether it exists or not, but it’s also what separated the pure from the sinners...”
Which is?” Roy asked.
To be a sinner and see for yourself.”
Okay?” Roy said, confused.
It’s okay if you don’t understand, I’ll explain. There are few sins worthy of damning you to Hell, murder in one of them. When you kill someone, if they are guilty nothing happens, but if they aren’t you’ll know it. If you kill an innocent person, you get the slightest sight of Heaven. For the shortest amount of time you feel the ultimate pleasure, the one you would feel in paradise, Heaven. It gives you a taste of something you’ll never have, and it’s the first torture you feel. So I’ll ask you, have you seen a little slice of heaven? Are you innocent or guilty?”
Before I answer that, what’s your name?”
I’m Samantha.” She answered.
All of it.”
Samantha the Compassionate.”
Roy sat on the ground, “Well Miss Compassionate why don’t you just kill me?” Roy asked.
I don’t want to.” She looked down at him.
It’s funny,” He said, looking at his bare feet, “I can remember every moment of my life, right down to the smallest detail. I can devise a plan to do anything imaginable, to accomplish every possible goal. I have experienced the worst possible pains, in every sense. But even with all this knowledge, experience, and everything else, I don’t know what to do. Sure I have numerous contingency plans, but no matter how I look at it, there’s no way out.”
No way out of what?” Samantha asked.
No way out of a life full of pain, my life will never be the same.”
That’s true, but it’s the same for everyone.”
Roy looked at her and smiled. “I hope you don’t get offended, but you’re really cute. You’re pretty.”
Thank you.” She replied.
You’re only the second person I have ever said anything like that to.” He started to cry.
You don’t want to die, do you?” Samantha asked.
What are you talking about? I’ve lived far to long to fear death.”
How old are you?” Samantha asked, as Roy’s words perplexed her.
Sixteen.” He smiled but tears still fell.
You’ve hardly lived.” She smiled.
Your going to kill me, aren’t you?” He asked.
Yes, I’m afraid so.”
Well, I had a good run, wouldn’t you say so?” She remained silent, “How is it?” Roy asked.
How is Heaven?”
It’s the most amazing place, perfect, a utopia. Any loved one that has passed on is there, pain doesn’t exist there. You can rest in eternal peace”
Can’t wait to get there.” A few seconds of silence passed.
Are you ready?” Samantha broke the silence.
Yeah go ahead.” Roy closed his eyes and felt her hand rest on his head.
I’m sorry.” She said.
In an explosion of blood and shredded flesh, Roy’s body dispersed into the air. Blood settled on the ground, with any solids broking down into an indistinguishable powder and mush.
Roy’s world turned to complete darkness.

Roy is that you? Why are you here?” Nina’s voice cut through the darkness, the darkness turned to light and a euphoria filled Roy’s body.
Nina stepped into Roy’s view, and Roy ran to her. He hugged and kissed her. “I love you Nina! I love you.”

She smiled and said. “I love you too.”

May Sickness (Chapter 38)

Chapter 38
If anyone else is going to attack me do it now!” Roy yelled into the void, the emptiness of the street.

In moments he found Kevin. He was hiding in a cemetery.
Kevin sat under a tree in the city’s largest cemetery. “Damn I bet that guy is dead. I just hope he gave whoever a hell of a time.” Kevin said out loud.
I did.” Roy said as he approached Kevin from behind.
Kevin was startled. “What the hell!? How are you a live? You didn’t kill whoever it was, did you?”
Three of them.”
Crap!” Kevin made an attempt to run.

Roy grabbed the back of Kevin’s shirt and slammed him down, his head hitting the tree. Roy sat on top of him. “Why did you do it?!” Roy cried, his tears hitting Kevin’s face. “Why did you kill her?! Why did you do that before you killed her?!”
Because?! Why?!”
I wanted to have some fun. Simple as that, now get off...”
Roy’s hand closed around Kevin’s throat, he squeezed. Kevin’s face became redder and redder.
Kevin clawed at Roy’s face, lacerating the flesh, but Roy did not so much as even flinch.

Slowly Roy squeezed the life out of Kevin, his heart stopped but Roy continued.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

May Sickness (Chapter 37)

Chapter 37
I always thought that we would be together.” Roy said softly as he continued to walk away from Gabriel's and Raphael's bodies.

The cool mountain wind whipped through the town, falling more and more leaves. The leaves were changing colour, ranging from browns to pleasant colours like red and orange. They fell waiting to be raked into large piles, later to be composted.
It was the first day of Fall Break for Nina and Roy and they were enjoying the thought of no school for another seven days. They had been together for two months, went on many dates, and generally were in love, spending many hours together each day, having fun.

May Sickness (Chapter 36)

Chapter 36
Thanks kid.”
What?” Roy asked.
I know we said we wouldn’t talk but now it’s just me, so listen! For the past two years that bastard was my partner. Prier to him I would go through team mates like they were nothing, well they were nothing. Then that bastard comes along and I’m told, “If he dies, your next.” by he higher ups, in retrospect I assume that’s why Michael and most Agents go solo now. But I agreed and it was pretty cool. We shared the same interest; you know rape, murder the good stuff. But it’s hard as hell to have fun when you have to look after a weakling, you know.”

Roy looked confused at him. “Are you stronger than that Michael guy?” He asked.
What difference would it make? I’ll be honest with you… I am, by tens of times.”
Well then, I guess I’ll put more into killing you.”
Michael had just brute strength going for him, but even in that category, I’m stronger, and every other way I’m stronger,” Gabriel continued.
Let’s stop talking now!”
No let’s talk. Lets talk about that girl of your. Or how you’re trying to kill that kid.”
What? How do you know that?”
Good question. We can’t read each others minds but we can look at each others past. Now let’s talk about her, what was her name… oh yeah Nina.” He smiled seeing Roy start to shake. “What a pretty young thing. Do you want to see her? Of course you do.”
Roy glared at Gabriel.
Gabriel held out his hands. “Come on, what kind of lover are you? You should be glad.”
From nothingness came a thousand Nina’s. They covered the street.
What the fuck are you doing?!” Roy yelled.
I think this is my favourite.” The Nina’s disappeared all but one, Gabriel put his arm around her. She wore nothing, with no pants or underwear, as how her body was found. “Oops, I’m sorry. She’s missing something isn’t she?”
Gabriel made her raise her hands.
Don’t!” Roy yelled.
On her wrist opened two wounds, though in reality she only had one. Blood flowed from the wounds and flooded the street.
The sight of Roy’s suffering aroused Gabriel.
Stop it now!” Roy again yelled.
Stop crying you baby. We’ll continue fighting. Just give me a minute.” The bleeding Nina disappeared, but as Roy looked up he saw something far worst.
There Gabriel stood with Nina’s appearance, the same as the day her and Roy first met.
Don’t you wish that day would never have ended?”
Roy did not answer.
Come on man, don’t you love me?”
You dare insult, mock the image, the memory of someone close to me? Or someone that is no longer with us? Of the woman I love?!”
I’m still with you see look!” Gabriel joked. “I don’t know… What the hell?!” Gabriel quickly started to panic. He looked down, his stomach had been cut open, his wrist cut, and soon blood ran down his chest, coming from his neck.
Roy approached as Gabriel bled to death. “You have forced me to kill you in a less than climactic way.” Roy spat into Gabriel’s face.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

May Sickness (Chapter 35)

Chapter 35
Roy had only ran a block, maybe two, when he sensed something. It made his skin crawl, as if maggots were crawling under his flesh, every now and then taking a bite. A chill ran up his spine, he shivered. What he felt was the desire to kill, to commit unspeakable acts, this feeling radiated off the pavement and buildings. The whole area was like a manifestation of Hell, an evil surrounding everything.
But from the emptiness came a voice, “Wow! Did you see that Gabriel? He killed Michael!” The voice of Raphael echoed through the street. Roy looked around, but saw nothing.
Yeah Rapha, that was something else.” Replied Gabriel.
Who’s there?!” Roy yelled, not seeing the two.
Slowly from the ground, like two zombies, theyemerged.

May Sickness (Chapter 34)

Chapter 34
There standing in the middle of the road; arms crossed and as tall as a giant, wearing a clean black suit; and with his face covered in dozens of scars, was Michael. His eyes were fixed on Roy, following him as he ran.
Roy continued to run even after noticing Michael watching him.
Running away are you?” Michael asked.
Roy stopped as he heard Michael and looked at him. “Why would I be running away? I just have to be somewhere else.” Roy said, trying to be nonchalant.
Where might that be?” Michael asked as he started to walk toward Roy.
Not here.” Roy replied, “I’ll be leaving now.”
Why? What possible reason could you have? You’re just a kid.” Michael continued to walk, he smiled as he spoke.

Friday, July 12, 2013

May Sickness (Chapter 32)

Chapter 32
Roy stepped on the sidewalk directly in front of the school and walked through the crowd of students that stood on the grass.
Soon he was in the court yard, he looked through the many faces, none were Kevin.
Where’s Kevin!?” He yelled, not particularly to anyone, just to everyone.
Many people answered, but with no consistency.
Roy felt and looked for Kevin. Every inch of the area was in Roy’s vision, but no sign of Kevin. But it was more what he could not see that directed Roy. In a room close to his first hour class was a void. “That’s him!” Roy yelled.

The crowd of kids stared at Roy, all eyes were fixed on him.
And in a split second Roy was gone, vanished in thin air.
Where did he go?” many people asked.
In the class the teacher stood in front of a black board and was in the middle of a lecture on the Civil War.
In the middle of the room, Roy suddenly appeared. Roy’s eyes instantly found Kevin.
Who, what…” The teacher started but she was unable to finish.
Time froze and a count down began until others would arrive.
No one in the room moved.
Kevin stood up. “Who the hell are… wait your that guy. But your different.” But his demeanour quickly dissolved. “Do you know what you just did?!” He yelled at Roy.
What I did! What I did!”
Why the fuck did you do this?! We’re both fucked!”
Yeah you are, I’m going to kill you.”
Why… oh I see so your that whores boyfriend…” He stopped. His eyes widened and he turned his head, on the wall inches from him was a large hole.
I missed.”
Shit!” His sentenced ended with Roy’s fist smashing against his facing, jettisoning him through the wall.
Kevin body landed in the grass outside.
Roy jumped down.
It was just one girl! Is it really worth getting killed over?” Kevin looked at the grass under Roy’s feet, it was turning brown as if the moisture was being squeezed out of it.
I saw what you did… I saw! The degrading filth…”
Well it looks like this is it for you. I’ll be leaving if you do survive, look me up, and we’ll finish this.”
Kevin raised his hand, a column of dirt flew into Roy’s face.
As he finished removing the soil from his eyes, Roy looked around. Kevin was gone but in his place almost a hundred men and women in black hoods.
If you are planning anything against me, I would recommend you don’t. It would be in your best interest to just let me be.”
Roy looked through the crowd.

May Sickness (Chapter 33)

Chapter 33
The people in the black hoods slowly circled Roy.
I’ll tell you again if you value your lives just walk away.” They were quiet, Roy took a deep breath.
They started to rush at Roy, one at a time.
One-by-one they jumped on Roy, twelve in all just, a fraction of the total. Their bodies buried him. He faced the onslaught of knees and elbows.
Roy stood stern and slowly he started to struggle. “Get off me please.” His words penetrated through the envelope of bodies.

The hooded people, as if they were fish being pulled from the water, flew in every direction away from Roy’s body. They landed in various places, but they had little to no injuries. Some lay in the grass, others stuck in trees and a few landed on others.
It would appear that I’m going to go through all of you.”
Roy made his move, running toward his next target. One ran at him, a taller one of the group, a man. He grabbed at Roy, but was evaded. Roy’s hand slammed on the man’s face, then, with almost lifting him, Roy slammed him against the ground. The grass did little for cushion but was enough to prevent it from being fatal.
Roy paused for a moment, his heart was racing and his body was shaking, but within that moment another hooded man was readying to attack.
He jumped at Roy, but did little good. Roy stopped him with a kick to the stomach. The strike caused the man to fall to the ground and vomit.
Determined to finish the fight, Roy, once again ran at them.
Roy was readying to strike, but stopped. He started to notice something, something that had been clear from the beginning.
A girl he was about to hit looked at him in confusion. She’s just a girl. These are just kids; they can’t be any older than me.
He looked into her eyes, they were a brilliant bright blue, and they conveyed her thoughts as clear as day. They showed confusion and fear. A fear of death and a fear of pain. He looked into them and his body went limp. Roy looked back at the two men he had just dropped. My God, what am I doing?
His arm rose and he placed his hand on the girl’s shoulder, no one made any sort of movement; they just looked at Roy, wondering what he was doing.
Roy raised his other arm, the girl started to quiver in fear, “Don’t worry,” she looked at him, “I’m not going to hurt you.” He snapped his fingers.
Everyone fell to their knees.
I hope you guys stay down, I don’t want to hurt any of you.” Again he snapped his fingers.
An invisible force slammed down on their bodies, pushing them to the ground. They lay on the ground, all still alive. Roy’s hand was still on her shoulder, she looked around at her companions. She then looked at Roy, she was about to speak, but was stopped. “Don’t worry, you all will be alright.”
He removed his hand from her shoulder; she fell to the ground, the same as the others.
Please don’t waste your lives.” Roy said as he started to walk away.
Thank you.” Came a girl’s voice. He looked back, though everyone was on their stomach lying on the ground, he knew who it was.
Just remember this day.” Roy said, once again walking away.
Roy walked in the direction that he believed Kevin to be. Within a few blocks he had started to run; but even though he did not know it, another obstacle stood in his way. Far more dangerous than the previous, Roy was oblivious to it.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

May Sickness (Chapter 31)

Chapter 31
See you when I get home Roy.” Roy’s mother said as she walked out the door.
A feeling shot through him, forcing him to say. “Mom, I love you.” Roy was confused as to why he said it, but it felt right.
Love you too.” She smiled at him.
Bye, mom.”
She shut the door behind her.
Roy walked to the bathroom.
Roy looked in the mirror, still he was not used to his newly acquired appearance. He smiled thinking of Nina’s words.

May Sickness (Chapter 30)

Chapter 30
The alarm went off, waking Nina with a loud persistent beeping and a muffled static.
She awoke with a deep gasp of air and with a mixture of confusion and surprise, she looked around her room.
Roy?” She expected him to be there.
A pain shot through her hand, she looked down, there was a blood stain on the blanket, and on the index finger she had a cut, like the dream, a shallow gash.
It was real… it was real!” She yelled both in happiness and terror.
She got out of bed and quickly got dressed.
Knock, knock!
Nina’s mother opened the door.
Nina, Kevin’s here.”
Fear shot through Nina, nervously she replied, “Okay, let him in.”
Kevin walked into the room, Nina’s mother stayed in the doorway.
Kevin stared at Nina, as if inspecting her.
What a shame.” He shook his head. “Go take a nap.” He directed Nina’s mother, adding, “I was never here and you have never seen me.”

Nina’s mother walked away, Kevin shut the door.
What are you doing?” Nina asked.
Kevin walked toward her, she stepped back with each of his steps forward. “You seem different, why?”
What makes you think that?” She continued to stop backward. Her back hit a wall.
Kevin put his hand on the wall, next to her head, and with a sadistic smile said, “Let's have some fun.”
Nina panicked, “Help, someone help! Please help!” But her yelling turned to a whisper, “Roy help.”
What was that? I don’t think he’s coming and if he did what would he do? No one can hear you and no one can help you.” He smiled feeling pleasure from the torture.
Nina could not move her body she tried to speak, but no words came out. Tears ran down her cheek.
Kevin squeezed her cheeks together and kissed her. “Yeah, we’re going to have some fun.”
The only thing she thought of was Roy. Roy please help me.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

May Sickness (Chapter 29)

Chapter 29
Look at her.” Roy said as he stood over Nina as she slept.
Moments before, Roy sat on the couch in his living room, in the dark. The form, the state, he was in was different from the others. He was not an astral projection, and it was not just his vision.
Roy was still awake, but was in two places at once. His form was not visible, but not ghost like, he did not rely on other powers to manipulate material.

It only took me moments to find her. Her presence so kind and sweet, was discernible within seconds of searching.Roy thought to himself, amazed with his accomplishment. He no longer relied on his eyes to see, he did not need to, he could feel, sense the world around him in far greater detail. He could feel the presence of individuals, but with great ease he could control it, he could control or eliminate the feedback and use his traditional senses.
Let’s get this done. The thought of you being controlled for a minute longer, is just too much.Roy placed his fingers on her forehead. Instantly images of Nina’s past, from the moment she had moved and met Kevin, the words he spoke, to the moment before she had fallen asleep that night. So I was right.Roy held his hand a few inches above her face. He closed his eyes, and then opened them. Him and Nina, where standing face-to-face.
What is this? A dream?” Nina asked, looking around to see an empty plane, nothingness, only light, light to illuminate herself and Roy.
No this is not a dream.” Roy explained.
Yeah right, like this kind of place actually exist.” Nina said in a sarcastic manner.
So be it,” Roy held out his hand, “You can decide this for yourself.” A knife with a long narrow blade appeared from nowhere.
What? I don’t understand.”
If it is true that we do not feel pain in dreams then surely if you cut yourself you will not feel any pain. Please, though, don't cut yourself in any serious manner.”
The knife floated to Nina, “Okay.” She grabbed it. With it being held in one hand, she nicked the top of her finger, a small stream of blood flowed out. “No, this can’t be. Where are we?”
This is just an area that I prefer, as I was previously in a place similar to this.”
Your voice sounds familiar.”
Really she hasn’t noticed?“Nina, you don’t recognize me?”
Roy?” Roy nodded, “You look so different.” She ran over and hugged him.
Her showing affection confused Roy. He did not know the parameters of the control, or when it affected her. “Yes, do to some circumstance, my appearance has changed.”
Well you look good.”
You look beautiful.”
Nina kissed him, but Roy felt moisture on his cheek.
I’m sorry.” She started to sob.
About what?”
Since I’ve moved here, I can’t remember much, it’s all a blur. And with Kevin, when ever he’s around, it’s like I can’t control what I do or say. I can only watch while… while it all goes by.” She started to cry louder, the beating of her heart could be heard through her words, “And… and… he made me…”
That’s enough, I know. Please it’s going to be okay.” Roy knew what she was going to say, the disgusting, vile things he made her do. He embraced her. “I know everything that has happened, those matters will be solved, soon enough. Right now lets spend some time and talk.”
The emptiness gave way to an infinitely expanding grass plain, full of every flower imaginable. A sky formed over head, and two chairs formed just beyond Roy.
Let’s set.”
How can you be so calm?” Nina asked.
I am mad, to an extent I have never been, but it has been so long since we where together that I’d like to spend it with you.”
They sat down.
How do I know that when I wake up anything will be different? Or whether or not what you have said is true?”
Because I would never lie to you.” He stopped and then thought to himself, Should I tell her about the powers and stuff?“I’d hope to never tell you this, I hoped that it would be my disgusting secret.”
What? It’s okay.”
I have killed.”
Killed what?”
Roy told Nina of Raven and her ultimate demise and of Jack, with the only exclusion being the powers. The powers will wait.
The things she heard did not disturb or scare her, the events saddened her, she felt sympathy. She saw the distress his words had on himself.
It’s okay.” She consoled him.
But they will not be the last.” Roy looked her square in the eyes.
What are you talking about?”
If I don’t; you, me, your mother, my mother everyone will be in danger. This is not just a lover’s jealously.”
How are we in danger?”
It’s hard to explain, but I’ll say this, when you wake, his control over you will be no more. And with the first opportunity, I am going to kill Kevin.” He looked at Nina, she looked uneasy. He knew what she was thinking. “He won’t hurt you, I’ll protect you.” She looked at him. “I promise.”
Thank you Roy get that bastard, make him pay for…”
Roy interrupted her. “Please don’t think to much into it. The next time you see him, keep this from him, if he knows what I’m planning… who knows what he’ll do.” Roy stood up, he gestured for Nina to do the same.
Roy put his arm around her.
I like your hair, it looks nice. But your skin, its too perfect, you look like a girl, but it’s pretty.”
Thank you.” He leaned toward her, “And to seal it with a kiss.” He closed his eyes and kissed Nina.
Roy opened his eyes and he was back in Nina’s room. “If only it was that easy.” He extended his index finger.
What appeared to be a piece of glowing dust formed on his finger, a faint glow, developed around his whole finger.
I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” He placed his finger on her forehead. A bright yellow ripple pulsated through Nina’s body.
He again closed his eyes, and when he opened them he was on the couch.
Roy started to smile.
She’s back.” Still smiling tears of joy fell.
He felt his mother getting out of bed, Roy quickly dried his eyes.
But as soon as she got out, she laid back down.
Roy sat in the dark, the extent of his powers hit him, he was in awe. I may be alone, but I have Nina, mom and everyone else. Because of him I am like this and can do so much more. Thank you.
He again closed his eyes, to open them to the white area. It was not the same as where he met his other self, it was solely an area formed from his mind. Where he could plan his next move, to devise a strategy.
There is no way to know how strong he might be. But to assume he is weaker than me may lead to disaster. If he is stronger then it would be a bust. So to come up with a strategy let’s say we are equals and the only difference are tactics and reason to fight. He’ll be fighting for his life, but so will I, and I’ll also be fighting for Nina.“ But it then dawned on him something he was told when he arrived at his centre of being. “I can manipulate time, my perception of time. Theirs so many variables and factors and combinations of the two that it could take forever.” He said to himself. “If it takes forever lets equate a long ass time here to a second in real life.”
A person that resembled Kevin appeared.
Lets start fighting.”
And from that to the time he stopped, an eternity of experience was put under Roy’s belts.
He opened his eyes, he was back in the living room. Beams of lights poured into the room through the window shades.
That took forever, like literally. Well at least I’m still sane. Being around that long sucked. Fighting the same damn person for thousands of years nonstop, with only slight variation, that shit was hard.He heard his mother walking down the stairs.
Roy? You down there?” His mother asked. “Why are you downstairs at this time.”
A clock on the wall read seven AM.
She got down the stairs, “Roy what would you like to…” she stopped seeing Roy. “What did you do to your hair? Did you get a spray-on tan?”
No, why?”
Have you looked in the mirror?”
Yeah, I like the way I look.”
Roy’s mother looked confused, but decided not to have any follow up questions.
She walked to the television and turned it on.
The news channel was on. An anchorman sat behind a large desk. “No further news or information has been found on the explosion last night. An investigation has found no evidence to suggest what caused it, and it can only be estimated the number of casualties. The explosion occurred between ten and one pm last night at a local store.” An image of the store appeared on the screen.
His mother’s jaw dropped, she slowly turned and looked at Roy.
What?” he asked.
Didn’t you go there last night?”
When did you go?”
Are you asking if a blew up a building?”
No, just… did you?”
No! Why would I?”
Okay, I see.”
Back on the TV they were interviewing a witness.
Interviewer: “Sir, what did you see?”
Some Guy: “It blew up.”
Interviewer: “Can you give any detail on that?”
Some Guy: “Nope.”
The man walked from the camera’s view.
They always pick the dumbest person.” His mother said, trying to change the conversation.
Why would you say that?”
It’s true, they do.”
No about me blowing it up. Seriously why would you think that?”
Well you do look different, maybe because you don’t want to be recognized.”
Then why do you look like that?”
Because… because…” Why the fuck did this happen?“Because Nina moved here and I wanted to impress her.” He lied to her.
Her eyes were wide open, more surprised then she was about the shopping centre exploding.
Her father got arrested for a bunch of stuff, so he’ll be in prison for like twenty years.”
Really, have you seen her?”
Yeah, at my school.”
That’s so good, like a love story.” She hugged Roy. “How’d you get your skin so perfect? You look like a girl.”
What time did you get to sleep last night?”
I didn’t.”
Are you going to go to school? Do you want me to drive you?”
No, I’ll walk.”
At the same time…